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Graphic List of On Site Essentials for a Stress-Free Event


Are you hungry, sleep-deprived and forgetting what time zone you’re in? With these onsite necessities as your first line of defense, your production will be off to a smooth start.

From time management, self-care, and feeling your best, we have it all covered! Take a look at these tested and true essentials below for a great day on the job:





Various brightly colored rolls of tape

Marking up stages with neon gaffers tape really makes us feel alive!

Doubles as hip jewelry or a cup stabilizer. 


                                                              HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE

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The reusable water bottle--you never know where your next water source might be.

                           Just choose your intake timing wisely; breaks can be hard to find!




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Need we say more?


                                                           NOT JUST FOR COMFORT

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A pillow is the first line of defense for blocking out overnight construction noise,

                         street parties, or other things preventing you from a good sleep.



Smart Cartoon Watch










Keeping rehearsals on track is essential for a successful show. So is knowing your time zone.

That's imperative to determining when second breakfast will be.


                                                      LOOKING FABULOUS

Cartoon Girl in Coat















It doesn't matter what type of coat you have.

       Just get it ready. Ballrooms are science.
















Do we ever! Conveniently, the LAI team is certified with the Red Cross.

Blistered heel? We've got your covered. Like, covered with a band-aid. Get it?


                                                   MAPPY HOUR











 Never forget a map of the city you're visiting.

                                    Without it, you may miss out on $2 Tamale Tuesday.



Have Any Marketing Event Hacks?

What do you do to minimize stress and maximize performance for your events? We want to hear from you: send in your full proof remedies for a rainy day or a sticky situation!

Please shoot your ideas or essential item checklist to




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