It’s an awards show riddle most meeting planners we know have faced: How do you manage to adequately celebrate the achievements of your honorees, while keeping an entire audience that’s not being honored entertained?
Our team recently worked with the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) on their 2018 Scholar’s Day, and this is just the problem we ran into. NSHSS is an incredible organization that, each year, honors roughly 1,200 students. And while they all deserve their time in the spotlight, it’s tough to ask that many students and parents to watch as each name is called.

We worked with NSHSS to create a program that blended new staging and procession techniques alongside dynamic video to keep things moving, keep the audience engaged, and make sure everyone felt their achievements had been acknowledged. Want more? Click here to read more about that event.
Could Your Recognition Ceremony or Awards Show Use A Refresh?
Do you have a recognition ceremony or awards show coming up that could use a refresh? Contact our team today!
To get in touch with us, you can also fill out a form below, give us a call at 202-783-0300, send us an email at Contact@LAIevents.com, or live chat with a member of our team right now, and we’ll be happy to shoot over ideas for condensing your program, celebrating honorees in new and more engaging ways, and incorporating pops of fun into your event.